To set yourself and your dog up for success the K9 Beginners class has been compiled to ensure you get more than just basic behaviours. It will provide you with the knowledge and skills to take your canine relationship to new heights.
I’ll be taking you through various subjects, such as:-
Dogs Body Language
Class Etiquette
Positive Reinforcement
And more....
You'll teach your dog so many different behaviours whilst having lots of fun. We'll cover things like:-
Stand on Cue
Settle on the Mat/Bed
Default Sit/Stand
And thats only the first couple of weeks!
Class Term : 7 weeks
Duration : 1 hr per week plus homework
Price : £150.00
All class materials and guides will be accessible through the Learning Management System. You will be sent your login information via email.
The week 1 class will be held via Zoom where we will cover off all of the theory-based information.
For weeks 2 to 7 the classes will be in person.
- 150 British pounds
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- 150 British pounds
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